Rotmg Paladin Max Stats

There are 8 potion types, one for every stat. Mana and Life potions will increase stats by 5 points, all other potions will increase the stats by 1 point. All potions are loot dropped by the Gods. It’s not an easy task to slay a god, and the last thing you want to do is lose your level 20 character. Paladin is also the class that has the highest max hp when it has gemstone on. Gemstone + Acrop: 60 def. 882 hp and 136hp from your mp given from your gemstone when converted into hp. Gemstone + Fairy Plate is also very impressive. 56 def 922hp (with max hp buff) and 150mp that converts into 186hp. The cheapest RotMG shop with INSTANT delivery. Buy Realm of the Mad God STs, Skins, Tops, Rings, Potions, Eggs, and accounts. Our RotMG store also has a free Hacked Client!

Paladin is one of the 16 player classes.

Game Description: The paladin can deal damage at close range, wear armor, and heal himself and his allies.

Rotmg Paladin Max Stats Priority

Click here for a guide on how to use the Paladin effectively.

How to Unlock: Reach level 20 with Priest and level 20 with Knight.

Sound when hit
Sound when killed

Rotmg paladin max stats lvl
Equipment slots and starting gear
Sword: Short Sword
Seal: Seal of the Initiate
Heavy Armor: None
Ring: None


Gain Per Level
Base Stat Cap
Magic Points
2 to 8
0 to 2
1 to 2

Technical Details: All values exclude bonuses from equipment. Values with top tier items and Forgotten Crown are: 920 HP, 292 MP, 61 ATT, 58 DEF, 55 SPD, 65 DEX, 60 VIT, 75 WIS.

Maximum Achievable Stats

Magic Points

Technical Details: Assuming you have maxed all stats.

Character Skins

For a list of skins, see this page.



The paladin class when launched in 2010 originally used the tome as an ability. When the seal was later released any existing paladin characters who had a tome equipped could retain it in the ability slot, but if they swapped out the tome it was not possible to re-equip it.

It is believed that all such ‘tome paladins’ have now died out, or been lost from the database due to player inactivity/failure to migrate their accounts. See this topic on the RealmEye forum for some further information about this.

In Exalt Version (Sep 2020), the Paladin received several changes:

  • Damaging effectiveness reduced from 1.5x to 1.25x
  • Max HP increases no longer directly healed players
  • Max ATT changed from 50 to 55
  • Max DEX changed from 45 to 55
  • Max VIT changed from 40 to 60
  • VIT growth changed from 0-1 to 1-2 per level
  • WIS modifer changed
    • Triggers at at least 50 WIS
    • 1 WIS = +0.1 range
    • 1 WIS = +2 max HP
    • 10 WIS = +1 sec duration

Rotmg Paladin Max Stats Cheat

RotMG Paladin Maxing from Nothing Guide by Ketsuma


First of all, I would like to say that paladin is one of the best classes for me in the game because it can’t only tank and heal but the seal also gives a damage boost. And it can easily solo event gods such as skull shrines and cube gods.

As you might know, a paladin wears heavy armor but take note: it has the lowest defense of all melee classes so don’t go and tank gods like an idiot, always remember to dodge and heal when necessary. Melee classes suck if they aren’t maxed yet so i made this guide to help you with maxing a pally from nothing.


Second, you need a good roll i prefer a minimum roll of +20 hp.
When you’re done you’ll need to make a farming account and i prefer a necro because of its healing ability and the fact that it’s a staff user then feed all your farmed pots to your pally until it is 4/8 or 5/8. After that you’ll need to farm for items for your pally, and the most important of all is an OREO if you don’t have this seal then you’re pally is as good as dead(well, not really but i’m a big oreo fan and i have been used to its invulnerability time and i like to abuse it so if you want to use the t5/t6 seal you can) you will also need old tops and an exa hp/def ring and a csword/a.s.s/acclaim/sky, but if you have enough money to buy wc tops and a better sword then go for it.


When you are maxed, you will be doing events and oryx runs doing events is easy if you have the right items especially oreo(with this, you can have 1.4 seconds of invulnerability which is enough time to have sb damage on the boss) or you can use use the t5/t6 seal for more healing time. And after a while, you can gain more pots and buy better gear and be fully maxed. And always remember to know the monster’s attack,damage,drop and status effects when you are farming events/gods.


We all know that like every other player in the game we will reach the point that we become idiots and take on risks and die of plain stupidity, but this is what the game is so live with it.

If you want to switch seals from time to time you can use this script made bye woza:

I hope this helped you a lot.^^