Rotmg Rogue Max

  1. Free Rotmg Items
  2. Rotmg Rogue Guide
  3. Rotmg Rogue Max Stats
  4. Rotmg Cloak

Get RotMG Max Stats Realm of the Mad God Maxing Service It takes time to get max stats in RotMG. With our Realm of the Mad God maxing service you will get maxed stats within just 1 hour. Simply contact our live chat to arrange delivery after placing your order. We will trade all the potions over to your character so you can drink them and max out your stats. Trivia One thing to use with Rogue is Speed Sprouts and Speed Rings. Max your speed and circle your opponent. It makes you very hard to hit and helps solo most bosses up to the highlands or farther.

RotMG Maxing Characters from Nothing Guide by Fluxifi. So either you are first starting off trying to get a maxed character, or you just lost everything somehow and are trying to rebuild your wealth. So how exactly do i do this? I know what most people think when it comes to this. They have to grind for hours and stock up on pots to get somewhere.

Part 1: Maxing and Learning Style
  1. Reach Level 20
  2. Rolling
  3. No Man's Land
  4. Farming
  5. Pot Drops
  6. Trading in for SPD
  7. Trading in for DEX
  8. Trading in for DEF *Current
  9. Gear
  1. Maxing the Booster Stats
  2. Getting those rare drops
  3. Tradeonomics 101
  4. Longetivity/Courtesy
  6. Soloing Tomb of the Ancients
  7. Soloing Oryx's Castle
  8. Soloing Ocean Trench
  9. Wine Cellar/End Game Content
Part 3: Miscellaneous Content
  1. Rogue Stat Caps/INFO
  2. Dye Simulator
  3. Good Price Guide
  4. Dealing with Loss
  5. Being Effective in a Group
  6. Clear-Cutting Bosses.
• This is quite easy. Go onto a crowded server and jump into a crowded realm. There will usually be huge god lands train wherein you will be able to reach the maximum level in around 5 minutes. Just stay at the back of the group and try to hit the gods with your shots to gain Exp. Without getting hurt.
• Once you reach Level 20, check your stats. Your stats for rogue should be above 620 HP/195 HP to be a great roll. The better the roll, the easier it will be to max Life/Mana in the end-game content. If you have a bad roll, suicide and start over. *Be sure not to suicide with your tops on.
• The time after you are 20 and before you max your first and main utility stat, speed, is effectively called No Man’s Land. You are not able to do much with rogue other than derping around and killing Ent gods. Due to this weakened state, you will absolutely get no good loot unless you go on dungeon runs with a group or kill Oryx/bosses in a group. You don’t want to do this. Rogue is a pretty solitary class; built toward Soul-bound damage.
• So how do you work past this problem? You make a farmer. Don’t play on your rogue, but play on your famer. Your farmer should either be a Wizard, Necromancer, or Sorcerer on a second account or slot. I personally recommend a sorcerer since you can effectively hit multiple gods in difficult regions of the map with your scepter; which secures your Soul-bound chance for a pot drop. If you are using the wizard or necromancer, go soloing in the god lands.
• Don’t be discouraged by what you get. Usually, I get around 20-30 DEF a couple of hours, not counting other pots on my farmer. In the beginning, the drop rates will seem infinitesimal, but after a couple days of grinding, you WILL get pots. Trust me.
Rotmg Rogue Max
• Whatever pots you get, you MUST trade them in for SPD. SPD is the essence of how a rogue will be quickly able to get to an event boss and kill it. Max SPD is 75. Usually, you’ll have somewhere around 40-something SPD at Level 20 un-maxed. You have quite a ways to go.

Free Rotmg Items

• Conversion Rates:
1 DEF (4 SPD) ~ 1 VIT (*Need to change) ~ 1 ATT (2 SPD) ~ 1 WIS (2 SPD) ~ 1 DEX (1-1.5 SPD)
Now that you have maxed SPD, now start trading all pots you get for DEX. Start soloing Sprite World’s or going with guildies to ensure that you get the drop. You should have decent gear by this time: there will be a Tops/Item Build attached as well. *Don’t try to fully max DEX altogether after SPD; read the following.

Rotmg Rogue Guide

You should start trading in for DEF as soon as you are 10-15 away from max DEX. Your firing rate at this time will be awesome, so you can work on building a solid defence. Start trading in groups of SPD/DEX worth items for a DEF each. You might have some DEF laying around. Eat it. Have extra SPD pots you find? Stockpile and trade them in for def. Do this till you have around 10-15 DEF.
The rogue will start moving through specific tiers of armor and equips as it gets more powerful. The following is a grouping of items you should have at specific stages of your character's life.
Tier 1: Level 20 ~ Fire Dagger, Red Agent, Drake, Para HP (Set Costs ~ 1-2 DEF)
Tier 2: Semi-maxed SPD/DEX/DEF ~ Rage, Agent, Hippo, Para HP/Para DEF (Set Costs ~ 2-3 DEF)
Tier 3: Fully-maxed SPD/DEX/DEF ~ Emmy, Agent, Griffon, Para HP/Para DEF (Set Costs ~ 5-6 DEF)
Tier 4: Maxed ATT/DEX/SPD/DEF ~ Agate, Agent, Griffon, Para HP/Para DEF (Set Costs ~ 11-13 DEF)

Rotmg Rogue Max Stats

Tier 5: Maxed Main+Booster~ Agate, Twilight, Csilk, Exa HP/Exa DEF (Set Costs 32-36 DEF)
Tier 6: Maxed Mana/Life (8/8) ~ Foul/Cronus, Ghostly, Csilk*, Exa HP/Exa DEF/Amulet (Set costs 22-25 Life + 8 DEF) < Can Someone verify this amount?
*The reason, we use Csilk is that it is cheaper than Hydra while giving better boosts to your stats at the cost of just 1 less DEF.

Rotmg Cloak

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