Adobe Premiere Flip Image

You know that how irritating it’s to see that the software that you’re using to rotate your videos isn’t working properly. I’m talking about Adobe Premiere Pro rotate video not working. In case you’re facing the same problem, this post is a real savior to solve this.

Part 1: How to Rotate Video in Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro. To flip an image using Adobe Premiere Pro, begin by loading the files. Run “flip” to Adobe Premiere Converter and then “add file” to import the flip.mp4 video. Next, select the format for the output and choose its destination. Choose the output format. When you import a still image in Adobe Premiere, it's like creating a link to the file on your computer. The image is imported as a clip (as if it were a video clip). Its duration is the value you set in step 11. Right-click the Project panel and click Import. (File Import; Windows shortcut: Ctrl+I, Mac: ⌘+I.).

Step 1. First of all, start the program on your PC.


Step 2. Then, open the video that you’ll need to rotate.

Step 3. Now, highlight the video and you’ll see different options.

Step 4.After that, go to the “Motion” button.

Step 5. You can see that the “Rotation” icon is there to rotate your video. Use the icon to rotate the video according to your preference.

Step 6. Set the rotating degree by using the arrows. There are many other options there to take the ultimate advantage of your video editing. So, these are the easy steps to rotate video in Premiere. This reveals that the Premier Pro rotate video works very smoothly.

Part 1: Rotate Video with Adobe Premiere Pro Alternative - Filmora Video Editor

If you are encounter Adobe Premiere Pro rotate video problems, you can get help from alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro. We’re safe to say that Filmora Video Editor for Windows (or Filmora Video Editor for Mac) is such a nice tool that can be the best alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro to dealing the purpose of rotating video. The video rotation operation is as simple as a breeze. Just folow the below steps to rotate video.

  • It is the easiest video editing software with basic and advanced tools.
  • You are allowed to edit videos, photos and audio in any format.
  • You can apply various video effects to personalize your video.
  • It lets you save video in any format or burn to DVD for collections.

Below is a step-by-step procedure on how to rotate a video with Filmora Video Editor:

Step 1. Launch the Program

After download and install the program on the PC, next thing is to launch the software. And choose 'FULL FEATURE MODE' to enter next step.

Step 2. Import Videos

Then, hit the “IMPORT MEDIA” button to import the video that you’ll have to rotate. Filmora supports 5 ways to import media files.

Step 3. Rotate The Videos

Now is the time to rotate the video. To do this, you have to click on the “Rotate” icon situated above the Timeline. It’ll show a pop-up windows named the “Video Inspector”. There are many options available in the window to rotate your video. Rotate the video according to your need and then, click the “OK” tab.

Step 4. Export Video

This is the last part where you’ll have to save or export the video that you’ve just rotated. Hit the “Export” button which will bring a pop-up window. There are options for choosing the video format as well as the destination where you’ll send it. Do this and finally, click on the “Export” button. Filmora Video Editor supports uploading video to YouTube, Facebook and Vimeo directly or burn DVD from the program.

Part 3: Adobe Premiere Pro Rotate Video Not Working Fixed

Problem #1: It freezes, sometimes.

Solution: Delete the preferences file and reset the program.

Adobe Premiere Flip Image

Adobe Premiere Flip Image Photoshop

Problem #2: May crash when upgrading to the latest version.

Solution: Create a new project and import your videos there.

Problem #3: Unwanted deletion of aged files.

Solution: Upgrade to the latest version.

Problem #4: Error message while playing videos.

Solution: Update the drives to the latest version.

Problem #5: Video captions can’t be edited.

Solution: Follow: Window > Workspace > Reset to Saved Layout.

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  1. Flipping, Rotating, and Skewing
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Flash Professional CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide

This chapter is from the book

This chapter is from the book

Flipping, Rotating, and Skewing

Flash lets you flip, rotate, and skew selected elements. You can either manipulate elements freely with the free-transform tool’s Rotate and Skew modifier or use a variety of commands to do the job with more precision.

To flip a graphic element

  1. Select the element you want to flip.
  2. Choose Modify > Transform.
  3. From the submenu , do one of the following:
  • To reorient the element so that it spins 180 degrees around its horizontal central axis (like a Rolodex card file), choose Flip Vertical.
  • To reorient the element so that it spins 180 degrees around its vertical central axis (like a weathervane), choose Flip Horizontal.

The accompanying figure shows the results of the two types of flipping.

These are the results of flipping an element by using the Flip commands in the Modify > Transform submenu.

To rotate an element by a user-specified amount

  1. Select the element and access the Transform panel . If the panel isn’t open, choose Window > Transform.

    You can use the Transform panel to rotate graphic elements in precise increments. Select the Rotate radio button and use the hot-text control to enter a value for the degrees of rotation. Positive values rotate the element clockwise; negative values rotate it counterclockwise.

  2. Select the Rotate radio button.
  3. To specify the direction and amount of rotation, do one of the following:
  • To rotate the element counterclockwise, use the Rotate hot-text control to enter a negative value (–0.1 to –360).
  • To rotate the element clockwise, use the Rotate hot-text control to enter a positive value (0.1 to 360).

To skew an element by a user-specified amount

  1. Select the element you want to skew and access the Transform panel.
  2. Select the Skew radio button.
  3. Use the Skew Horizontal and Skew Vertical hot-text controls to enter the desired skew values .

    Use the Transform panel to skew selected elements. You can set separate values for horizontal and vertical skewing.

Adobe Premiere Flip Image

To rotate or skew an element interactively

  1. Select an element to rotate or skew.
  2. In the Tools panel, select the free-transform tool. Then select the Rotate and Skew modifier .

    Select the free-transform tool’s Rotate and Skew modifier to access handles for rotating or skewing a selected element interactively.

    A transform box (similar to the element’s bounding box but with square handles) encloses the element.

  3. To modify the selected element, do one or both of the following:
    • To rotate the element, position the pointer over one of the corner handles. The pointer changes to a circular arrow. Drag to rotate the element around its transformation point .

      With the free-transform tool’s Rotate and Skew modifier selected, you can drag one of the corner handles of a selected element’s transform box to rotate that element (top), or drag one of the side handles to skew the element (bottom).

    • To skew the element, position the pointer over one of the side handles of the transform box. The pointer changes to a two-way arrowhead. Drag the side handle to skew the element.
  4. Release the mouse button.

Related Resources

Flip Video Premiere

  • Book $47.99
  • eBook (Watermarked) $38.39

Adobe Premiere Pro Flip Video

  • Web Edition $38.39